The best free stock photo sites
Finding high-quality stock photos for your website can be a difficult and expensive task. But luckily, there are plenty of great websites out there that offer stunning, professional-grade photos at no cost. In this post, we’ll be exploring the best of the best – the top 9 free stock photo sites in 2023.
1. Unsplash

Unsplash is an amazing resource for finding royalty-free, high-quality stock photos. With a seemingly endless selection of stunning images to choose from, you can be sure to find the ideal photo for whatever your project may be. Whether you’re looking for a photograph to use in a professional presentation, or just browsing for some beautiful images for your desktop wallpaper or phone background, Unsplash has something for everyone. With an ever-expanding library of images, you can be sure to find the perfect shot for your website.
2. Pixabay

Pixabay is an excellent source for finding free images, illustrations, and even videos that can be used without worrying about any copyright infringement. All of the content is licensed under Creative Commons, meaning that you can use it without having to pay any fees. With such a wide variety of different content types, it can be difficult to find the exact thing you’re looking for, but thanks to Pixabay’s search functions, you can quickly and easily find what you need. You can even download the content in various sizes, allowing you to tailor it to suit your needs. With Pixabay, you’ll never have to worry about paying for images or videos ever again!
3. Pexels

Pexels is an amazing source for finding free stock photos for your website. With a constantly growing library of images, you can trust that the content is of the highest quality and is all licensed under Creative Commons Zero, meaning you can use it without having to provide any attribution. Additionally, you can use their search bar to easily find what you are looking for, or browse through their collections of curated images. With all these features, Pexels is definitely a great resource for free stock photos.
4. StockSnap

StockSnap is another great resource for those looking for the perfect image to use in their website. Whether you’re looking for a striking portrait, a landscape shot, or a creative illustration, you’re sure to find exactly what you need in this immense collection of photos. Not only are these photos free to use, they are also of the highest quality, ensuring that your website will look its best. With a wide selection of images available, StockSnap is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking the perfect image.
5. Burst by Shopify

Burst by Shopify is an incredible resource for discovering free stock photos that you can use for business and personal purposes. All images on Burst are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero license, meaning that they are completely free to use without requiring any attribution or credit. Whether you are a professional or a hobbyist, Burst has the perfect image for you to use, allowing you to save time and money. With a huge selection of high-quality images, Burst is the perfect one-stop-shop for all your stock photo needs.
6. Kaboompics

Kaboompics offers a huge selection of stunning images that can be used for web design, blog posts, social media posts, and more. What makes this site stand out from others on this list is more robust filtering options including tools to filter between vertical or horizontal orientation and even filter by color.
7. Adobe Stock (free collections)

Rounding out this list is Adobe Stock. While most of Adobe’s stock photo selection is paid content, they do have some free collections with some photos, videos and illustrations from a wide range of categories all from skilled creators in the industry.
8. Gratisography

Gratisography is a great resource for finding diverse photos that stand out from the typical stock photo fare. With a wide selection of photos ranging from professional to whimsical to downright strange, Gratisography is a solid resource for finding photos that will help you stand out from the crowd.
Disclaimer: Some of the photos on Gratisography may not be safe for work, so browse with caution. Especially if you’re at work and don’t want your boss to catch you looking at a picture of a goat wearing a tuxedo. Unless your boss is into that kind of thing, in which case, carry on.
9. Reshot

Reshot is more niche than other entries in this list as it specializes in high-quality illustrations and icons rather than photographs. This site is a great resource for when you can’t find a photo that matches what you’re looking for and need an illustration to do the trick.
Finding the perfect stock photo for your website can be a difficult and expensive task, but thankfully there are plenty of great websites out there that offer stunning, professional-grade photos at no cost. Whether you’re looking for a photograph to use in a professional presentation, or a creative illustration to stand out from the crowd, these free stock photo sites have something for everyone.
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